12-13 Aprilie 2024



Societatea Română de Foniatrie are marea plăcere să vă invite la cea de-a 10-a ediție a Simpozionului Național – Vocea TA Contează, care se va desfășura în format fizic, la Novotel Bucharest City Center, București, în perioada 12-13 Aprilie 2024.

Avem convingerea că prin conținutul științific garantat de lectorii invitați vom face din acest eveniment o manifestare memorabilă.

Simpozionul va fi creditat de către Colegiul Medicilor din România!

Așteptăm cu drag să ne vedem, în primăvara anului 2024!

Cu prietenie și respect,
Echipa Vocea Ta Contează

Vă puteți înscrie accesând link-ul: www.voceataconteaza.medical-congresses.ro/inregistrare/






Prof. Dr. Markus M. HESS – Medical Voice Center University Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germania
Markus Hess, MD is a dedicated otolaryngologist and phoniatrician specializing in laryngology, phonosurgery and disorders of professional voice users. He is the founder and Head of the first Voice Clinic in Germany, the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER and is a leading physician-scientist in the area of research of basic voice physiology, vocal fold vibration analysis, and voice disorders. He brings a multidisciplinary approach to patients such as public speakers, singers, and actors and performs a full spectrum of endoscopic and open surgical procedures on the larynx.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilter DENIZOGLU – University of Izmir, Turcia
Ilter Denizoglu, MD, MSc, PhD (cand.) is a laryngologist and phoniatrician with over 25 years of experience. He is currently the director of the Vocology Department at EgeSante İzmir Medical Center, and a university lecturer of Pedagogical Vocology at Ege University and Dokuz Eylül University. His interests and practice include phonosurgery, voice therapy, vocal pedagogy, and the development of new devices for voice therapy and vocal training.


Prof. Dr. Ilias PAPATHANASIOU – University of Patras, Grecia
Dr. Ilias Papathanassiou is a Professor of Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Patras and a Research Associate at the Voice and Swallowing Clinic. He has 25 years of experience and has received the highest honors from both the Royal College of Speech Therapists in Great Britain and the American Speech Language Hearing Association. His research interests include voice disorders, neurogenic voice, speech and language rehabilitation, and the organization of speech and language therapy services.


Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul MARIE – University Hospital Rouen, Franța
Prof Jean-Paul Marie is a Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, and Audiophonology at the University Hospital in Rouen, France. He is the Head of the Experimental Surgery Laboratory, School of Medicine, and Head of the Rouen University team EA 3830 GRHV: Research Team on the Ventilatory Handicap. He is co-founder of a University and Hospital Federation on Regenerative Surgery (FHU Surface), conducted by Prof B. Devauchelle.


Jale PAPILA – Singing Voice Pedagogue, Medical Voice Center, Hamburg, Germania
Jale Papila is a contralto soloist who studied at the Carl Maria von Weber Music Academy in Dresden and completed her soloist exam with distinction. She has performed at various music festivals and since April 2005, she has been a lecturer in classical singing at the SängerAkademie Hamburg.


Eleonora BRUNI – Terapeut Vocal & Vocal Coach, Roma, Italia
Eleonora Bruni is a singer, voice teacher, and expert in artistic vocology. She won the Artistic Vocology Award in 2009 for their thesis “Voices at the Margins,” which theorizes the educational and social importance of singing and vocalization. She has trained artistically at Saint Louis Music College and the University of Music in Rome, studied privately with various teachers, and have a multidisciplinary and intermethodological approach to vocal technique and expression.


Erika BIAVATI – Terapeut Vocal & Vocal Coach, Bologna, Italia
Expert in Artistic Phoniatrics (2010 Teaching Award winner). Experienced voice teacher and researcher, currently serving as a Master Teacher for the “VOICEtoTEACH” teacher training course and a university lecturer for a Master’s program in Artistic Phoniatrics. Has also presented at voice-related conferences and leads the LIVE Music School cultural association.